Tawd Vale FT & ARC was the setting for this years BFTA Grand Prix Round 3 NWFTA, a place I personally needed to get even with after last years score due to yes…. the gun not me…
I was booked in for the Pm session, checked my equipment on blinking range and all seemed good just having to add a few clicks on between 4 – 8 at 55 yards. The first lane for me was a long one set in a cut-out in through the bushes…well placed as you couldn’t see what was behind the bush for wind. I think this one was about 49 ish yards which managed to get to my surprise as I was so nervous, the second however was a reducer placed about 27 yards which I missed due to being too confident I think. A mixed start middle and end for me as I battled with what wind there was jugging it just short each time and the occasional over cooking, but at the end id manage to beat my last years score which mattered to me most. The sun shone all day which just added a great feeling to the day as summer is now on its way at last.
As expected the top boys did their stuff again putting in some amazing scores… how they do I just don’t know.?
AA Grade
Ian Taylor 47, Mark Henson 46, Jack Harris 46
A Grade
John Sears 44, Richard Shepherd 42, Ian Stoddart 42
B Grade
Joshua Vaughan 39, Michael Trowman 39, Graham Fleeman 38
C Grade
George Heath 35, Darren Hillier 34, Mark Rodgers 31
Ian Challis 43, Barry McGraw 41 , Julian Head 38
Steve Privett 43, John Amos 42, Brian Samson 40
Dorian Falconer 19, Ian Taylor 19, Jack Harris 19
Full day results….
The next BFTA Grand Prix Round 5 WAFA is being held at Quarry 12th June 2016 , booking is now open.
Directions to Quarry can be found here.